Semi-Anechoic Chamber Exhaust System



When operating vehicles inside a semi-anechoic chamber, there is a challenge of exhaust emissions from the vehicles. Since semi-anechoic chambers are fully enclosed spaces, ventilation is managed between the interior and exterior using silencer ducts, but local exhaust is necessary for exhaust emissions directly from the vehicle’s exhaust system.

The photo shows an “exhaust system.” At the end of the flexible duct, an exhaust box is attached to exhaust emissions near the muffler and expelled outside. The exhaust box is equipped with casters, allowing it to move freely within a specific range. The photo on the right shows one designed for a dual-cylinder vehicle.

Significant ventilation is required for local exhaust, so the outdoor ventilation fan installed must be large-scale. Careful design is necessary to mitigate noise from both the ventilation fan and the flow velocity, as excessive noise from local exhaust can impact the ambient noise levels within the semi-anechoic chamber.

Furthermore, installation of CO sensors and various alarms due to exhaust emissions is also essential.

At our company, we can design such ancillary equipment tailored to the size of the object being measured and the measurement environment.

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