Setting Indoor Background Noise Levels


When introducing an anechoic chamber or soundproof chamber, determining “how quiet the chamber needs to be” is a crucial point in both design and estimation.

For example, if you aim for an indoor noise level of 30 dB(A):

  • 1. If the outdoor noise level is 50 dB(A), a chamber with a sound insulation performance of 50 – 30 = 20 dB is required.
  • 2. If the outdoor noise level is 80 dB(A), a chamber with a sound insulation performance of 80 – 30 = 50 dB is required.

Naturally, the designs of the chambers in cases 1 and 2 will differ, and the cost for case 2 will be higher.

In other words, the quieter the location where the chamber is installed, the lower the sound insulation performance needed to achieve the desired indoor noise level, which helps reduce costs.

Therefore, if you are considering introducing an anechoic chamber or soundproof chamber and requesting a quote from Sonora, you will need noise level data (noise level + frequency characteristics) for the location where the chamber will be installed.

However, there may be cases where “the location for the chamber does not currently exist, and the chamber is planned to be installed in a building to be constructed in a few years.”

In such cases, since it is not physically possible to obtain noise level data, the sound insulation performance will need to be estimated and provisionally set. Please feel free to consult with Sonora in such situations.

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